
Fed Up With Mom-Guilt?

Are you overwhelmed, exhausted, run down and tired of barking at your kids and then feeling guilty afterward?

Do you feel like there’s not enough time in the day for you or even if there was you wouldn’t have the energy to enjoy it?

Maybe you’ve “lost” yourself along the way in your efforts to be a “good” parent and you desperately want to feel alive again?

Perhaps you’re ready for a change but unsure how after focusing your energy on your family or are a stay at home parent who desperately needs to find time for self-care…

I get it!

Carving out time for self-care can be overwhelming for anyone. For a parent who’s responsible for keeping all the balls in the air on a daily basis, it can seem impossible.

But let me ask you…

If not now, when? The inertia of the rhythm of daily life as it is set up now will propel you years into the future — is that what your heart desires? Or is there something more, something different, or something new that you really yearn for? Without deliberate, conscious effort to change the trajectory of your life, it is certain — you will wake up the same each day, whether you like how it feels or not.

Knowing that you need a change is the first step…figuring out HOW is often the overwhelming part.

What if I told you the gift of a carefully curated array of SIMPLE, natural solutions is waiting for you?

It’s true. I’m here to show you…

Hi. I’m Sarah Denio.

I have been able to shed the anxiety, exhaustion, over-stimulation, self-doubt and mom-guilt that kept me up at night and create the family environment I’ve always dreamed of, with SIMPLE self-care. My journey through all of this was the impetus for KindNest, which has now supported hundreds of individuals and couples with simple, natural resources for parenting, healing after loss, trying to conceive, and pregnancy, since opening in 2019.

I often hear from parents who feel guilty for trying to carve out a little time for themselves. Like it’s a luxury they can’t afford. But what if it’s not a luxury? What if you’re going to pay a much steeper price if you don’t take care of yourself? What if incorporating these simple habits into you life will actually make you a happier person and therefore a better parent?

It may sound cliche but it’s true: if we don’t put on our own oxygen mask first, we have little to offer to others.

You can BE the person (and therefore the parent) you are meant to be, and KindNest is here to make clear that SIMPLEST route to that life you desire.


KindNest offers simple options, ranging from on-demand courses and in-person or virtual Coaching.

You can also set up time to chat about the options in a (free) 30-minute phone consultation by clicking below.
